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New Child Safety Standards - Effective December 2018
In 2018 the Window Covering Manufacturers Association (WCMA) decided on new standards for child safety, to go into effect by December 15, 2018. The new guidelines state that cords on any custom-made window covering cannot be longer than 40% the height of the window covering unless the customer specifically requests a custom cord length.​
Out of Sight & Out of Reach
If you cannot install newer products, ensure that all window cords are out of sight and reach so they are inaccessible to young children.
Prevent Access to Cords
Move all cribs, beds, furniture, and toys away from windows and window cords. These items could allow a child to reach a window or cord.
Keep it
Continuous-loop pull cords on horizontal blinds should be pulled tight and anchored to the floor or wall with a tension device.
Accurately Install
Be sure cord stops are properly installed and adjusted to limit movement on inner cords on blinds and shades.